Friday, February 27, 2009

Weekly Jobless Claims Spike to 667,000

The artical that I had read was about the number of jobs that people are loosing everyday and the extreme rate they are loosing them at. For the week ending of Feburary 21 the number of jobs lost went from 36,000 to 667,000. That is over 600,000 LOSSES! The average for every four weeks is now 639,000. In the artical it states that claims are 5.112 million which it rose over five million for the first time ever. Just a year ago the claims where under three million.

This is a huge problem and we need to get a plan going and fix this. People have families and many bills that need to be paid and there not going to get anywhere with out a job. And some of these jobs people have gone to college forever to get where they are and then get laid off or even worse let go! And some are still trying to pay of college loans and now don't even have a job to help. It can happen to anyone and its a very sad matter. My Step-dad has been a plumber for over 12 years, and just a week ago they had to lay him off never did he think that would happen. And before I didnt really think it had an effect on our community but I was deffiently mistaken. Everyone that has a job should be proud, and think as themselves fortunate to have it.