Monday, March 30, 2009

Stimulus funding helps youth jobs program

The artical i have come across really caught my eye it is from the Echo Press of Alexandria. What it explains in the artical is how the Rural Minnesota RMCEP have been awarded 2.5 million dollars from the stimulus funding from the Department of Employmen and Economic Development. It is mostly based on summer employment for youth. And the primary activity will be work experience. The director of RMCEP, Dan Wenner is the one to set this up and stated a bunch of great things that young people actually get out of a summer job. You learn valuable lessons while making money, and jobs are set up for you to develop pride, skills, and responsibility.

I think this is a great idea and its good to actually see the stimulus money going somewhere important, and there not making just any old jobs there helping us young people everyday skills and give a world of work orientation and community involvement. Then we are keeping the economy really up to speed by given young people work, which will make them go out and spend money on things like older people would not necessarily spend them on its also great to have jobs that you know are for younger people. Will make them more willing to go and try to get a summer job. Also will help kids stay out of trouble and learn many great things while working.

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