Thursday, May 21, 2009

States, cities struggle over eminent domain. Supreme Court ruling on private property sparks debate.

In Washington nothing has stirred up emotions more then a ruling on private property rights. The Supreme Court said homeowners can be forced to move and sell, (even to private owner) if the land would be used to benefit the local economy! Now everyone is wondering where did the property rights ( in the amendment disappear to? In St. Louis residents jammed into last week's City Council meeting to try and denounce the new change. They are beginning to tell small business they need to move there business, because a big and better one will be put in the place of yours.

I think that is wrong the entire article trying to make our economy better, by shutting businesses down and embarrising them and the community. We all have our rights, and when the Supreme Court trys to come in and have the cities try and take what is ours, and our neighbors and try to have everything be shared. I dont think that is a good idea or healthy for the economy, if someone wants to give up there business or there home "to help out the economy" it is there choice not the cities, or anyone elses. The enterprise should find away to produce more room for everyone, not take away. That will not help us it will hurt us.

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